SSH tunnel for github on jlab clon*** machines:

(First make sure you have an RSA key pair in your clon home that is registered with your github account)

SSH to the clon machine as usual through the gateway

> ssh -t ssh user@clon***

Then create a tunnel to through jlabl4

> ssh user@jlabl4 -L

You now have a tunnel from the inside host port XXXX to port 22.

You then need to open a new terminal window and ssh to the same clon machine through the gateway

> ssh -t ssh user@clon***

Now in that terminal, you can access github like this:

> git clone ssh://git@localhost:XXXX/slaclab/heavy-photon-daq.git


When you first clone a repo, you'll need to mod the submodule config. Edit .gitmodules:

[submodule "drivers"]
path = drivers
url = ssh://git@localhost:5555/slaclab/aes-stream-drivers.git
branch = master

> git submodule init
> git submodule update

And avoid checking the submodule path change into the shared repository.

L6 Testing Preparation


Hardware needed at JLab

FEB Testing Preparation


Link status:


Guide steps for FEB link debugging

  1. Find and understand DAQ map
  2. Reseat fibers/transceivers on flange and RTM on the faulty FEB
  3. Switch fibers on the flange and on the RTM
    1. If error follow RTM -> swap in new transceiver
    2. If error follows fiber -> swap fiber 
  4. Swap transceiver on the flange
  5. If all fails through 4:
    1. Test new firmware images for the bad FEB that has different GTX configurations
  6. Consider swapping the mSAS of the faulty FEB to a different channel on the inside of the flange.
  7. Take the FEB plate out 

FEB Firmware Testing

  1. Install boot loader to FEBs
  2. Load the same firmware image we are using now
    1. Verify with just link and configuration
    2. Maybe take data with CODA
  3. Assume successful from 2.
  4. Install new firmware with latest libraries
    1. Verify that it's backward compatible with software
    2. Debug if necessary, this will need to work before moving on (REQUIRES git, RCE compilation, etc.)


SVT Removal Preparation

