Present: Stepan, Maurik, Raphael, Matt, Tim, John

Please send any additions/corrections to the EC mail group.

1. ERR Response.

Our ERR response needs to be into Patrizia Rossi by next Monday, so she can approve it prior to our submitting our Beam Time Request.We agreed that Stepan (trigger hodoscope) and Tim (SVT Upgrade) would send around what was formally requested: "A plan for fabricating the trigger hodoscope/SVT Upgrade and installing it into HPS, including milestones for development, prototyping, manufacturing, delivery and installation, and testing." A draft will be sent to EC by this Friday. EC can comment over the weekend, and Stepan and Tim will send Patrizia the final draft Monday, July 24. ERR_HPS-2_June-12-2017_Report.pdf

2. Beam Time Request.

JLAB has finally announced that Beam Time Requests will be due July 31. We agreed that we are requesting 40 PAC days at ~4GeV, which will include 7 PAC days for commissioning the beamline, trigger, and SVT upgrade, and 5 PAC days for diagnostic tests. If we run during the summer with the 6 GeV machine, we will take 3 pass beam, roughly 3.3 GeV. If we run with the 12 GeV machine, it will likely be 2 pass beam at 4.2 GeV. Call for Scheduling requests_v3.pdf

Stepan and John will take care of preparing the request.

Raphael suggested we provide some contingency planning, so as not to exclude HPS running if the whole of 40 PAC days is not available during a run period.  Matt has agreed to study our reach for shorter running periods. It will also be useful to understand our reach in the case that either the L0 or the positron trigger upgrades are not ready in time, to bolster our general case. John will prepare some slides to be given to Volker, Rolf, and Bob to do so.

3. The next HPS collaboration meeting will take place at SLAC around the beginning of November. It will be important to have a meeting to assess progress on our first papers, review status of ongoing analyses, and hear about preparations of the upgrades and future running.

Respectfully submitted,
