
In order to work with data on shared memory one has to be on specific monitoring node which is set in sxperiment configuration file. Currently for sxr it is daq-sxr-mon06. It can be accessed through the chain of nodes:

ssh -Y [<user-login-name>@]psdev
e.g.-> dubrovin@psdev7a

ssh -Y sxr-daq
e.g.-> dubrovin@sxr-daq

ssh -Y daq-sxr-mon06
e.g.-> dubrovin@daq-sxr-mon06

Account sxropr do not have a permission to see the data and can't be used to run this app...

Make sure that your login name have a permission to see xtc and calib data for your experiment, e.g.

ls /reg/d/psdm/SXR/sxrx22915/xtc/
ls /reg/d/psdm/SXR/sxrx22915/calib/
see the list of files w/o permission issues or check permission directly
id <username>
getfacl /reg/d/psdm/SXR/sxrx22915/xtc/


Setup environment

source /reg/g/psdm/bin/conda_setup
source conda_setup --reldir /reg/neh/home/dubrovin/LCLS/con-ana-1.2.12-emon

Run application

cd <any-directory>

Main control window started from scratch and with configured fields:

Set application configuration parameters

Saves files

./emon-confpars.txt - saves non-default configuration parameters after session