MPI is a world-standard for large-scale parallel computing, and is supported by every major academic computer batch system.  It allows for parallelization across multiple nodes, and also provides tools for gathering the results from different CPUs together.  It not only allows you to add more CPU power to a problem, but can also be used to add:

The recommended simplest way of running parallel analysis is to use the "MPIDataSource" pattern.  This allows you to write code as if it was running only on one processor and store small per-event information (numbers and small arrays) as well as "end of run" summary data.  This data can optionally be saved to a small HDF5 file, which can be copied, for example, to a laptop computer for analysis with any software that can read that format.  This script can be found in /reg/g/psdm/tutorials/examplePython/

This script can be run in real-time while data is being taken, and will typically complete a few minutes after the run ends.

from psana import *

dsource = MPIDataSource('exp=xpptut15:run=54:smd')
cspaddet = Detector('cspad')
smldata = dsource.small_data('run54.h5',gather_interval=100)

partial_run_sum = None
for nevt,evt in enumerate(
   calib = cspaddet.calib(evt)
   if calib is None: continue
   cspad_sum = calib.sum()      # number
   cspad_roi = calib[0][0][3:5] # array
   if partial_run_sum is None:
      partial_run_sum = cspad_roi
      partial_run_sum += cspad_roi

   # save per-event data

   if nevt>3: break

# get "summary" data
run_sum = smldata.sum(partial_run_sum)
# save HDF5 file, including summary data

Run the script on 2 cores with this command to produce a "run54.h5" file:

mpirun -n 2 python

It is also possible to specify a hierarchy in the output hdf5 file by passing a hierarchy of dictionaries/values to smldata.event.  This would produce hdf5 groups "cspad/calib", "cspad/raw", and "my_other_data".

calib = det.calib(evt)
raw = det.raw(evt)
d = {'cspad' : {'calib': calib, 'raw': raw}, my_other_data = 3}

In addition to running offline, these parallel scripts can be run in real time while the data is being taken and can complete within a few minutes of the end of the run (you can see how to submit MPI psana-python batch jobs here).  Note that this interface does not currently work with the shared-memory analysis mode.

This software automatically saves per-event commonly-used information to the HDF5 file:

It is important to emphasize that this code is optimized for producing SMALL HDF5 files.  For example, it will not run quickly if you save large images for every event.  This may also cause the machines to run out of memory.

This pattern does not provide a solution for all possible LCLS analyses, so it is also possible to call MPI directly from python in these advanced examples.

Missing Detectors: How Not To Crash

The default behavior of the Detector class is to crash when a requested Detector is not present (so users will be alerted if they make a typo, for example).  But this is often not desired behavior during production running when Detectors are being added/removed from the data stream on a run-to-run basis. To change that behavior use a constructor like Detector('MyDetectorName',accept_missing=True).  With this flag, all methods of the Detector will return None, just as it would if it was missing in every event.

Accessing Data While Running

If one wishes to examine the data gathered while the analysis is in progress, users can register a "monitor" function will will be called every time data is gathered by all the cores (set with the "gather_interval" parameter in the above example).  The monitor function will be passed a dictionary of all gathered values, and can be registered like this:

def my_monitor(results):
    # process results dictionary here

Note that after each gather interval the data is removed from memory, so it is the user's responsibility to "remember" any data from previous callbacks that they want to keep (be careful not to use up all machine memory).

Ragged Arrays

MPIDataSource supports "ragged" 1D arrays (also called variable-length, or vlen, arrays).  An example would be an array of photon energies (or positions) whose length changed for every LCLS shot.  If you have such an array you must start the HDF5 dataset name with the string "ragged_".

Job Submission Script

The following script can be a useful pattern to follow for submitting batch jobs.  Change the script to use the appropriate directory, experiment name, and analysis python-script name.   Then make the script executable with a command like "chmod +x" and submit a job with a command like "./ 123" where "123" is the run number to be analyzed.

if [[ $myhost != *"psana"* ]]
  echo "Need to be logged in to psana node to submit jobs"
cd ~cpo/ipsana/sxrn2316
source /reg/g/psdm/etc/
# offline system
bsub -o %J.log -q psanaq -n 24 mpirun python $1
# high priority system (only to be used while experiment has beam)
# bsub -o /reg/d/psdm/sxr/sxrn2316/scratch/cpo/%J.log -q psnehhiprioq -n 32 mpirun python $1

More information on the batch system can be found here.