
Some useful Confluence pages

Division of function

The ISOC software handles the following tasks:





Offline software


CHS package


GPLtools in offline CVS


Web applications




Data/admin files and databases

AFS administration area

Rooted at /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps

Raw data archive

Rooted at /nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-flight/Archive/level0. The location is stored in the so-called sitedep files in the ISOC_ETC package.

Data is stored in UTC time hierarchy according to CCSDS packet timestamp: year, month, day, hour.

Each actual file contains data for a single APID.

Only the last 60 days of data are stored. After that it goes to a live backup on xroot.

FASTCopy package archive

Rooted at /nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-flight/Archive/fcopy. The location is stored in the so-called sitedep files in the ISOC_ETC package.

Data is stored in UTC time hierarchy according to time to reception or transmission.

Full data is kept for 24 hours, then the larger files such as L1 data or L0 science are erased after backup to tape. Generally the smaller files such as outgoing mission planning and DTR are kept.

Oracle database (isocflight)

This is where we keep the: