Present: Stepan, Maurik, Raphael, Nathan, Tim, Matt, John

Please send corrections and/or comments to the entire EC list.


1.  New Leadership positions

        We decided to solicit applications from the HPS collaboration for the positions of MC Czar and Tracking Czar. In both cases we'll ask for applicants at the level of post doc and above and make clear, especially for the MC Czar,  that we are looking for someone to oversee general improvements and address general issues, not replace current workers, e.g. Bradley Yale, who is already making an essential contribution generating MC for HPS. A draft solicitation email will be sent to EC for their input.

         There is not yet a well-defined need for someone to help with the analysis group. Nathan and Matt can offer their opinions on this at future EC meetings. Meantime, Matt's recent Wednesday meeting update on the trident problem and Nathan's addition of a new Post Trident Summit Results repository nicely address much of what had been desired.

        We discussed the need for a searchable repository of all HPS results. Everyone agreed that confluence, being unsearchable, is very inconvenient. Stepan, who as advocated more use of the HPS Note Archive, agreed to work on proposing an alternative to confluence, to be discussed at the collaboration meeting. 

2. Staffing the 2018 run.

        We reviewed the needs of the different subsystems for new students and postdocs to oversee operations in the 2018 runs.

        Raphael reported on ECal. Two new students will be needed for operations. It is important that HPS appear on a believable lab schedule before students can be recruited and assigned. HPS is expected to appear in the tentative 2018 schedule, to be announced around the time of the collaboration meeting. It is unlikely that there will be overlap with the present students so other provisions for training must be made.

        Tim noted that he has one student (Matt Solt), will soon be hiring a new postdoc, and has hopes for another student (either Stanford or UCSC), so feels relatively secure in staffing the SVT and SVT DAQ for 2018.

        Trigger will need a new student. It seems highly unlikely that Kyle will be available for 2018 running. Maurik has his eye out, but can't get new students until his present batch has moved on. Could other institutions help? Valery will remain as Trigger Czar, but there is a real need for someone to run simulations and trigger tests during the runs.

         Stepan thinks that Hall B personnel will be available for support of the beamline and slow controls. These have not been student jobs, and most likely will stay that way.

         Data processing is relying heavily on Rafo and Nathan.  HPS will need to prepare to replace Rafo when he moves on from his present post doc.

         John requested that these staffing issues be part of the subsystem overview talks at the collaboration meeting, so this can be discussed more broadly.

3. A new draft of the Update to Management is available Update on HPS Progress toward Physics Publications V0.1.docx. EC was urged to read it and comment/correct asap. It would be nice to send something off to management next week.


