Present: Stepan, Maurik, Matt, Tim, John Please send additions or corrections to the whole EC email list.

1. Running in FY2017?

Stepan thinks running in this time period is impossible, given  that it conflicts with CLAS construction and the fact that the transition from CLAS to HPS will take time and money. We should focus on 2018 and beyond.

2. Beam Time Request

Stepan amended John's draft and noted that it makes sense to request an entire run period (either Spring or Fall) or both, because switching between CLAS  and HPS is time/labor intensive and should be minimized. While it may not be possible for HPS to be granted two run periods, it doesn't hurt to ask for what we want. The 2018 run would be the first contiguous running for HPS, should be immensely more efficient than weekends only running, and will make significant demands of the whole collaboration to man shifts. See
HPS Beam Time Request CY2018 _St.pptx

3. Next HPS collaboration meeting

Stepan said he is no longer concerned about the fall at JLAB being too busy to include the collaboration meeting, and now welcomes having it there. It needs to miss mid October's DNP meeting. CLAS will meet at the beginning of November. Stepan proposes that we meet Nov. 14-17 at JLAB and will inform the collaboration of this possibility. We can all look for possible conflicts.

4. Slides for PAC

Volker requested a couple of slides on HPS for his PAC presentation next week. We agreed to use the slides which had been prepared for the recent CLAS meeting. HPS 2016 Performance.pptx

5. Upgrade status.

Tim briefly described writing to Glen Crawford at DOE HEP informing him of our desire to upgrade the SVT with a new layer 0 and providing a rough budget estimate ($300k). He included a description of the upgrade, the beginnings of a proposal really, given here:

5. More MC Management

We agreed that the software group would try to recruit extra help to oversee the development and refinement of the HPS Monte Carlo simulation. We expect that the trident summit and other analysis activity will help indicate where significant work is needed and will begin trying to recruit extra help.  HPS could have new collaborators joining in the next couple of months, and this may be a suitable entrée task.


