Present: Stepan, Maurik, Raphael, Nathan, Matt, Tim, John

Please send additions/corrections to whole EC.

1. News.

Massimo Carpinelli is looking into supporting an HPS Collaboration meeting and dark sector workshop in Sardinia next June, 2017. He expects to be able to  support accommodations but not airfare. He'll present details soon.

HPS should plan the next collaboration meeting, for the fall at JLAB.

John will discuss possible involvement with the Cal Tech group (Dave Hitlin, Frank Porter, Bertrand Echenard, postdoc?students?) in HPS and hidden sector studies at SLAC. Their strengths are analysis, simulation, and calorimetry. Individuals would be asked to apply, indicate particular interests and time commitments.

2. Discussion on how to push along the analysis.

Stepan noted that we need physics notes from those working on various areas in the analysis. Matt suggested that senior collaborators should get intellectually involved in generating these notes, and guide their completion. The students would be largely responsible for their production.

Stepan also suggested that the Wednesday meeting get regular reports from each of the students outlining progress on various analysis topics.

Matt said a committee should be put in place soon to review the analysis. The bylaws don't make clear if this is a PPC or EC duty, so EC will take it on, trying for consensus between EC, PPC, and analysis group leadership.

John urged revisiting the analysis task list, simplifying it, and making definite assignments. Tasks should correspond to physics notes. Matt said he and Nathan will produce a new list.

Our goals need clarifying. We are agreed that our first result should be a bump hunt analysis, without Ecal boosted resolution and without recoil information, of the 2015 data. We need to decide if our first result will be a conference presentation, whether it will be on the .5 mm data only, and whether our first paper will include both .5 and 1.5 mm data.

3. Revisit thesis assignments.

The present Thesis Assignments.pptx may be obsolete, and even if not, are certainly not well aligned with the goals of producing our first physics results. The primary concern is who will do the complete 2015  bump hunt analysis, using both .5 and 1.5 mm data.  Omar is expected to be able to help with this in his new job, but will need significant help. Maurik thought Kyle should play a large role; John said Matt Solt may be able to help Omar as well.  It was noted that the theses of Sho and Holly overlap substantially if Ecal enhanced resolution is not included.

We decided to ask advisors to suggest modified thesis topics in light of the actualities of the 2016 run and the publication plans.

Respectfully submitted,
