Download and install the latest RCE SDK.
Create (mkdir) SD partition mount points on host as sudo
Where X is the device letter, such as /dev/sdd or /dev/sdj
This will depend on where your host mounts the SD.

Populate SD card with SDK contents as sudo (assuming a SLAC host)

Execute theĀ mkrcesd command.
sudo mkrcesd sdX d[p|t]m --sdkroot <path_to_installed_sdk>
For example DPM:
sudo mkrcesd sdd dpm --sdkroot /u1/reg/dune/rce-sdk/V1.5.0
Now you should have a bootable SD card.
You can mount /dev/sdX3 to access the ArchLinux partition and add any application specific content there.
You can mount /dev/sdX1 and overwrite fpga.bit with application specific firmware bitfile.
If auto-loading your own bitfile, you have to create a custom uboot.env and copy to /mnt/sdX1
mkubootenv <full_path_to_output_dir>/uboot.env 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x1 sdboot_linux loadbit=1
(Yes, the mac address should be all zeros if using the latest eFUSE enabled rces)
cp uboot.env /dev/sdX1