Currently this is only possible for "early access users" who have accounts at NERSC.

Example slurm script submitted with "sbatch <scriptname>" ("srun" is the cray-equivalent of "mpirun"):

#SBATCH -p regular
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH -A lcls
module load shifter
cd $HOME/shifter
srun -n 32 shifter ./myjob.csh

Where my job.csh looks like the usual psana-python command:

source /reg/g/psdm/etc/ana_env.csh
cd $HOME/shifter
setenv SIT_PSDM_DATA /global/project/projectdirs/lcls/g/psdm/
python exp=cxig3614:run=81

Getting An Account

Note: this should only be necessary for expert developers.  Send mail to pcds-ana-l if you have questions.

Apply for an account at this link:

Use "Amedeo Perazzo" as the PI, and "LCLS" as the repo.