
Metrology data

Run 4 Ds1 metrology (added April 13)

Run 4 Ds1 average gain corrections

Run 4 DSD metrology (pre-run) , image

Run 4 XPP metrology (pre-run) , image

Run 5 DSD metrology,image, configuration

Run 5 XPP (solid plate) metrology for Mar 2012: spreadsheet, description

Run 5 XPP low gain calibrations

Run 6 DS2 aka DSD CSPAD V1.2 metrology

Run 7 XPP V1.2 metrology

Run 7 MEC 140k metrology

Run 7 DS1 v1.2 metrology







May 2, 2014 Files and comments from Gabriel about recent metrology work:




Oct 2, 2014: Files and comments from Gabriel



Attached, the most recent CXI metrology files. These replace the May 2014 versions and should be used for all experiments after September 24, 2014.

Changes in CXI-DS1:

Changes in CXI-DS2:

As always, these excel metrology files are NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION to avoid user confusion. Only Mikhail's curated version should be distributed and used.

Feb 3, 2014: File and comments from Gabriel

In response on Mon, 2 Feb 2015 11:27:27 e-mail from Jason:

Gabriel, Please provide the metrology for the refurbished CSpad we put in the DS2 chamber last week. Mikhail, could you please check the metrology and make up the geometry file and deploy it to cxic0115 and cxie7015


This is the former CXI DS2 camera, with previous metrology file in DS2-Metrology-Aug-27-2014.xlsx (sent previously).

As discussed previously, the camera is now named the CXI "Camera2_V16_20150120", with new metrology in the attached file. The only quad that is changed is quad 3 (counting from 0 to 3).

Feb 3, 2014: New CXI naming scheme:

Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 12:49:01 -0800
From: "Blaj, Gabriel" <>

After talking with Jason once again about the confusing naming scheme for the cspad 2.3m cameras, this is what we came up with. Jason and Gabriel






2015-04-03 Quad1 MEC Alignment

2015-06-08 Quad1 MEC Alignment


2016-02-05 CSPAD CXI Camera2 Metrology


Gabriel Blaj: metrology file for CXI-Camera2-V16-20160205, replacing CXI-Camera2-V16-20150120, for all experiments taking place on or after February 05, 2016.
The only changes from the previous version are Quads 0 and 1.

