Present: Stepanyan, Holtrop, Girod, Dupre, Maruyama, Nelson, Jaros, McKinnon

Please send comments/corrections around to the EC.

1. Shifts

Bryan discussed some shift options he and Stepan had discussed and showed a straw schedule. HPS has been given weekends Friday 3PM to Monday 7AM. Management will review our request for additional time during the week in January, and hopefully provide additional HPS running time. We hope most realistically for additional  weekday swing and owl shifts.

After discussion, we decided that Bryan should schedule both extended weekends (Thursday day through Monday owl) and also weekday swing and owl shifts (Monday swing through Thursday owl). All collaborators should be assigned time for the former, but only locals for the latter shifts, which are less likely to be scheduled. Stepan and Bryan will devise a formula for allotting locals some responsibility on weekends, balanced by their full responsibility for weekday shifts.

Bryan will send around a draft version to EC for comments before going public.

We discussed other types of shifts: "system restore", subsystem expert, and RC.

EC will ask the subsystems to schedule "system restore" prior to our first regular shifts on February. This effort will be counted as a shift block for each of those participating.  The goal is a fully functioning experiment, subsystem by subsystem, ready on day one of our regular shift taking on February 4.

Subsystem expert shifts will run for one week, Thursday day through the Thursday owl. That one week will count as one shift block for the subsystem expert resident at JLAB.

RC shifts will run for one week, Wednesday day through and including Wednesday MCC meeting the following week. They will count as one block of shifts.

2. Theses

With 2016 running now scheduled, and with several students agreeing to analyze both the 0.5 and 1.5 mm running, it is clear that Sebouh, Bradley, and Matt should analyze 2016 data.

Our understanding of HPS student responsibilities has sharpened. Students are expected to do the following for HPS:

1. participate fully in running the experiment and preparing the data for analysis with calibrations, alignments, QA, etc.
2. provide an additional service to the experiment, like developing new hardware or conducting ancillary analyses important to HPS like studies of FEE, Mollers, or Trident production.
3. conduct a measurement or search using a particular data set with specified goals and  techniques.

The following chart above summarizes thesis work on HPS: HPS Theses Data and Methods 11.19.2015 (2).pptx

We reviewed thesis proposals from Bradley, Ani, Sebouh, and Matt. All were approved with minor changes:

1. Bradley will use 2016 vertex data, include Ecal x position information, and combine other improvements in his measurement;
2. Ani will analyze both 0.5 and 1.5 mm 2015 data;
3. Sebouh will analyze 2016 bump hunt data and combine other improvements in his measurement;
4. Matt will analyze 2016 vertex data, include improvements in vertex analysis, and combine other improvements in his measurement.

Respectfully submitted,
