Test Setup

Hybrid power: 2.5 V to AVDD and DVDD, 1.25 V to V125.

Devboard power: 5.5V



Starting trackerGui

The trackerGui can be started by issuing the following commands from a terminal. onlineGui is optional.

cd /u1/software/daq
source setup_env.csh
./bin/onlineGui &


Figure 1: trackerGui

Taking a Calibration Run

A calibration run can be taken as follows

source /u1/software/daq/setup_env.csh
~/hybrid/scripts/run_cal.py -t <hybrid type> -c <cal type> <basename>

<hybrid type> is 1 for L1-3, 2 for L4-6. <cal type> is 0 for baseline only, 1 for response (all cal groups, single delay), 2 for shape (cal group 0, all delays), 3 for full shape cal (all groups, all delays). <basename> is the base filename for the output data files (e.g. if you set it to data/blah, output filenames will be data/blah_cal_0.bin, etc.).

Quality Assurance Tests

Running Baseline Analysis

Running the baseline analysis can be done as follows. Normally this would be run on the _baseline_dtrig.bin file.

~/hybrid/bin/meeg_baseline -t <hybrid type> <filename>

<hybrid type> is define the same way as for run_cal.py.

Running Calibration Analysis

After a calibration run for each calibration group has been taken (see Taking a calibration run), the analysis of the files can be done as follows, where <filenames> is a list of all files with calibration pulses. You can use something like "basename_cal_g?_d?.bin" to automatically list all the files you want.

~/hybrid/bin/meeg_tp -t <hybrid type> <filenames>

By default this just makes text files as output. Options -r and -f make plots.