Present: Stepan, F-X, Maurik, Tim, Raphael, Takashi, John

Please send additions and/or corrections to the whole EC.

 1. News.
There is not yet any news about the updated schedule.

John reported that Bertrand Echenard has expressed interest in becoming a member of HPS and working on new hidden sector searches as well.  He will submit a formal application to join once he has secured a position that would let him pursue HPS physics. In the meantime, the EC agreed to "encourage his application" in hopes that that will be of some use to him.

2. Physics Readiness Document

Stepan has just distributed it to the EC. Please read and send comments/edits to John and Stepan soon. We'd like to get it to JLAB management and the collaboration soon.

3. Thesis student overview.

John shared a slide for a preliminary discussion. HPS Theses Data and Methods.pptx HPS needs to secure student help for the 2016 run, needs to be sure all the data taken in 2015 is analyzed, needs to think about assigning specific data sets to students, needs to develop all possible enhancement techniques, and needs to respond to specific proposals from students.

We realized that we must first better understand the work involved in getting the 1.5 mm data analyzed before we assign analyzing it to the various students. We'll engage Matt and Nathan to get this straight, hopefully within a week or so. We also realized that we need to consider how later analyses of the data will incorporate the improvements introduced in earlier analyses. We'll return to this at a future meeting. Finally, we realized that in conjunction with the analysis group, we should develop a plan on what data sets and techniques should be used for a sequence of HPS papers.

4. We reviewed the thesis proposals of Sebouh Paul, Ani Simonyan, and Bradley Yale. Before responding to any of them, the EC hopes to get a clearer idea of the amount of work and workers required to analyze the 1.5 mm data, and some indication from the lab about the "final" 2016 schedule. If it looks possible, students will be asked to analyze all the 2015 data, both 0.5 and 1.5 mm data. Also if the final schedule makes 2016 running look credible, those students considering analyzing 2016 data should  plan to do so, and leave the 2015 data to our present students.  Stay tuned for conclusions.

5. Ecal assisted momentum measurement. Everyone agreed that all hits in all areas of the Ecal should be used in improving the momentum estimate of the SVT, weighted appropriately with their resolutions. This will of course require additional calibration of the energy response and resolution close to Ecal edges, and  the energy and resolution of electrons and positrons over the full spectrum of momenta expected in A' decays. 

Respectfully submitted,
