When installing a new node, the databases can be loaded manually by working directly with the MySQL client, or they can be 'batch' loaded with the backup files of the required tables from another monitoring host. There are many ways to copy the needed table contents to the new monitoring host. You can 'scp' them, bring up a web browser and download them from there, and I am sure there are many other methods.  Here is how I have done it for loading the most recent node that I have installed. Start by logging onto iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu under the 'iepm' account.

cd /nfs/slac/g/net/iepm-bw/iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu/mysql-backup
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODES.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.MONHOSTS.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODESPECSyesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.TOOLSPECS.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.PLOTSPECS.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.GROUPS.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm
scp iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODEGROUP.yesterday iepm@<full monitoring host name>:/home/iepm

This is only recommended if you want to replicate the configuration of the main monitoring system. Note that the TOOLSPECS table has the fully qualified path to SLAC's 'toolpath'. This file should be editted to replace this path with monitoring host path, which will most likely be '/home/iepm/v3src/bin'. Now load them into the MySQL data base:

cd /home/iepm
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODES.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.MONHOST.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODESPECS.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.GROUPS.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.NODEGROUP.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.PLOTSPECS.yesterday
mysql -u iepm -p < iepm-bw.slac.stanford.edu.iepm.TOOLSPECS.yesterday

NOTE: If you use this technique, DO NOT load any other entries in the tables before doing this.

The tables must be loaded in the above order.

The backups of any other existing monitoring system could also be used as  the source of templates to load the initial data base. If you have developed your own monitoring configuration, you can certainly use those tables.