
This is a perl CGI script that is used to provide web access to the PingER data SQL Impala warehouse running on a Nebula cluster using the Hadoop File System (HDFS).

It is configured in /afs/slac/g/www/cgi-wrap/cgi-wrap.list as:

querybuilder.pl * = /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/www/cgi-wrap-bin/net/offsite_mon/querybuilder.pl *; TRANS %

It starts out by using CGI(qw(:standard) to get the QUERY_STRING parameters. Note these are similar to the pingtable.pl parameters.

It then builds the $sqlQuery based on the parameters. 

It follows this by writing out the header, css and the various javascripts it uses, plus the input form

The javascript and css's are saved in /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/www/www-iepm/pinger/querybuilder AKA http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/querybuilder.