
Java Doc

This class converts EVIO to LCIO, performing an LCSim job in the same session. The processed events are then (optionally) written to disk using an LCIOWriter.

Calls LCsimEngRunEventBuilder (extends LCsimTestRunEventBuilder, implements LCSimEventBuilder, ConditionsListener) to do the actual conversion of EVIO.

Input Collections Used

EVIO file

Settable Parameters

Command line parameters:


-h  Print the usage (these command line parameters)
-D define a steering file variable with format -Dname=value
-r interpret steering from -x argument as a resource instead of a file

-L log level (INFO, FINE, etc.)
-M use memory mapping instead of sequential reading
-R fixed run number which will override run numbers of input files
-b enable headless mode in which plots will not show
-d detector name (required)
-f text file containing a list of EVIO files
-l path of output LCIO file
-m set the max event buffer size
-n maximum number of events to process in the job
-t specify a conditions tag to use
-v print EVIO XML for each event
-x LCSim steeering file for processing the LCIO events

Collections Added to Event

Depends on the drivers that are run.