
This confluence page describes how to build the firmware.  For this project, there are two flavors of firmware: "Simple" and "PGP".


If you are building on a SLAC server:

$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware

$ source setup_env.csh

If you are building on a remote server, you (or your IT department) will be responsible for setting up the FLEX_LM licensing server and install Vivado software

Currently, all firmware targets are locked to Vivado Version 2014.4 and will not build if otherwise.

Creating a build output directory

$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware

$ mkdir build

Building SimpleDpm


$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware/target/SimpleDpm/

$ make

Building SimpleDtm


$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware/target/SimpleDtm/

$ make

Building PgpDpm


$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware/target/PgpDpm/

$ make

Building PgpDtm


$ cd /u1/ExampleRceProject/firmware/target/PgpDtm/

$ make

Updating the .bit image on the SD memory card

The .bit image on the SD memory card can be updated using a Unix "scp" command:

$ scp $TARGET_PATH root@$IP_ADDRESS:/mnt/boot/fpga.bit

Where $TARGET_PATH is the path to the new .bit file that you want to upload into the SD memory card and $IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of the RCE that you want to update.