
Two commercial vendors competing for LSST business have been awarded contracts for a set of preliminary devices.  Before shipment, each device will undergo a series of tests by the vendor, producing ~25 GB of data.  These data must be transferred to SLAC, analyzed, archived and distributed to other LSST laboratories prior to a "pre-ship review".  Only after successfully passing this review will a device be authorized for shipment.  It is expected that SLAC will receive multiple data deliveries per month although they are not precisely scheduled and deliveries may be bundled.


Proposed Solution

Potential Security Issues and Mitigations (not complete!!)

  1. Hacking into a vendor account
    1. Possible consequences
      1. loss or corruption of vendor data
      2. use of storage for illicit purposes
      3. interruption of vendor data deliveries
      4. load on "u2" server (currently wain006)
  2. Hacking into the vsftp server
    1. Is this likely?
  3. Hacking into the lsstlnx VM
    1. Probably independent of vsftp and, therefore, no different from other VMs at SLAC

Why Existing FTP Service is Unacceptable

  1. Non-anonymous (s)FTP requires a SLAC unix account and that has been deemed unacceptable by LSST project team
  2. Anonymous FTP server suffers from several shortcomings:
    1. The server software cannot restart an interrupted data transfer
    2. The AFS-backed store is possibly not scalable to the hundreds of GB needed
    3. The 3-day dwell period is too risky for the data
    4. The AFS permissions combined with the 3-day swell do not allow for the type of permissions that would allow a convincing separation between the two vendor's data
    5. The dropbox does not allow for vendor management of its data at SLAC

Installation details

We are using vsftpd daemon running on a dedicated virtual machine. The machine is running a standard SLAC RHEL6 installation, with taylor and NFS access. Login is restricted to members of the sca-admin(question) group. 

Modifications to standard installation: 

sudo yum install vsftpd
cd /etc/vsftpd
create file virtual_users.txt:
sudo db_load -T -t hash -f /etc/vsftpd/virtual_users.txt /etc/vsftpd/virtual_users.db

Modify standard /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf as follows

< anonymous_enable=NO
> anonymous_enable=YES
< chroot_local_user=YES
> #chroot_local_user=YES
> pam_service_name=vsftpd
< # Virtual user setup
< guest_enable=YES
< virtual_use_local_privs=YES
< pam_service_name=vsftpd_virtual
< user_sub_token=$USER
< local_root=/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/vendorData/ftp/$USER
< hide_ids=YES
< guest_username=lsst-ftp

Start vsftpd

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart