Data for alignment: exp=cxi86715:run=112

  EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad2x2::ElementV1, src=DetInfo(CxiDg2.0:Cspad2x2.0), alias="Dg2CsPad2x2")
  EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad::DataV2, src=DetInfo(CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0), alias="DsaCsPad")

Update, July 23 2015

Image used to determine that we needed to rotate cspad2x2 by 180 degrees around z:

Rings used to set x/y origin of cspad2x2 coordinate frame (location of sample):


After rotating the cspad2x2 by 180 degrees around z we obtain the following "final" images:


geometry file for cspad2x2 rotated by 180 degrees