
There are 2 mpi queues for parallel computing at SLAC, bulletmpi and bulletmpi-large.  They are available to anyone with a SLAC unix account, but we monitor these queues a bit more closely and you will need to send email to unix-admin to request access to these queues.  Jobs submitted to these queues use some of the same batch hosts that are in use by the general farm.  

Single slot jobs are not allowed in these queues.

There are 2 flavors of mpi available at SLAC, the stock RedHat rpm version, and the RedHat version compiled with LSF hooks.   They each use a slightly different bsub command to submit jobs.

Stock MPI

This version of mpi is the default on most of the public login machines.  You can tell that this is the version that you will be running if you get the following response:

renata@rhel6-64f $ 15:38 which mpirun

A busb command which uses this mpi should look like:

bsub -q <bulletmpi> -a mympi -n <# cores>  <mpi job>

MPI with LSF hooks

This version of mpi is available to bsub when you login to bullet0001 or bullet0002 (as described earlier, submit email to unix-admin to request access to the bulletmpi queue(s)).  The response to which mpirun in this case should look like:


A bsub command which uses this mpi should look like:

bsub -q <bulletmpi> mpirun -n <# cores> <mpi job>