Present: Stepan, Maurik, Raphael, Takashi, John. Tim joined in the last 5 minutes.

Please send additions/corrections to the entire EC mailing list.


1. Thesis proposal for Luca Colaneri.

We discussed the new proposal sent by Annalisa D'Angelo. We decided that John would ask Annalisa to make explicit that the simulation work would be used to predict simulated HPS data and to emphasize that the use of actual  Spring data is subject to its release by the collaboration. With these minor amendments, the proposal will be approved. 

2.  Support for Paris Collaboration meeting.

Raphael and John discussed a proposal for supporting HPS collaborators' travel expenses for the upcoming Paris meeting. It will only be available to North Americans. It will be focused on grad students and post-docs actively engaged in HPS, though there are enough funds that (most) other engaged HPS collaborators can also benefit. While a blanket $1k award was discussed, total travel costs may be as high as $4500, so awards larger than 1k may need to be considered.  Raphael and John will draft an announcement to the collaboration which lays out the ground rules, and deals with the possibility of larger awards. The EC will review.

3. HPS Run Plan. We discussed a draft of the HPS run plan. A modified draft, which takes the discussion into account, is attached.HPS Run Plan for Spring 2015 Feb 5.docx

4. New Trigger Group. We discussed the need for a physicis- led group to provide monitoring of trigger efficiency, study of the trigger, implementation of new triggers, and interaction with Ben Raydo concerning changes to the trigger hardware and firmware. We agreed on asking Valery Kubarovsky to lead the group, and Kyle McCarty and Rafayel to continue playing significant roles in it.