Holiday Inn Conference Room (1-844-467-6272 #172586)

9:30 Intro and goals for the meeting

9:35 news from NASA HQ - MacGregor/Hayes

9:40 News from DOE - Bhatti

9:45 Mission Status - McEnery

10:15 Fermi symposium recap and the next Symposium - Racusin

10:30 Looking into potential gender biases in GI program - McEnery

10:45 break

11:15 FUG_Feb15_GBM_Status_final 16Feb2015.pdf  GBM Status - Sparke

11:30 SGRB pipeline - Briggs

11:40 LAT Status - Michelson

11:55 Pass 8 Status and Plans - Perkins

12:05 Discussion

12:15 Lunch

1:30 FSSC Overview and GI program - Shrader

2:00 Software Status - Davis

2:15 FSSC ops status - Corbet

2:30 EPO - Cominsky

3:00 Fermi Summer School - Hays

EPO - Cominsky

3:15 Break

3:30 executive session

4:00 closeout

4:30 adjourn