
All rules have their exceptions!  The RPT portal "feedback" page is just such an exception.  This is the place where RPT client users are allowed, and even encouraged, to communicate back to the RPT developers.  The two major avenues:

General information exchange between clients and clients and between clients and developers.
A place to annotate special cases, implementation tricks, "here be dragons" warnings, ... .

A bug reporting and tracking system.
Can also be used as a "development road-map" (though clients are probably not interested in that aspect).


Forums are based on the ??? technology.  Detailed information about how these forums work can be found at:

The top level the RPT portal's forum space can be accessed <here>


JIRA is another Atlassian product and can be tightly tied to the Confluence system.  For general information about how JIRA works:

To get the best out of a bug report, please remember than contextual information is very important.  Compare a bug report that says, essentially, "It broke" with a bug report that lists:

With that in mind, the JIRA project for reporting client RPT bugs can be found <here>.