
The root URL for the HPS data catalog at JLAB is


The primary web interface can be found at 


The REST API can be accessed by appending 'r' to the root URL as in


These URLs will load over SSL/HTTPS if you install the JLAB root certificate.


Here are some terms to be familiar with in data catalog lexicon.


A dataset is the data catalog's model of a resource, which is usually a file on disk.  In the case of HPS, this could be individual EVIO, LCIO or ROOT files.


A folder represents a logical container in the data catalog.  Folders may contain datasets or other folders as children, similar to a file system.  

The root folder is the container of all data HPS.

It may come as some surprise that this root folder is set to /HPS.


As in file system terminology, the path will generally be the folder and the name of the dataset which denotes its unique identity in the data catalog.

All paths referring to HPS data should start with /HPS as this is the root folder of the data catalog.


The name is the path without the folder of a dataset.


The resource is the dataset's physical location on disk, which should be a valid file system path.

HPS uses MSS (tape storage) paths starting with /mss/hallb/hps even though the file are actually accessed from the cache disk.


A dataset may have multiple sites representing different replicas of a physical file.

Only certain values for site will be accepted by the datacat API.  For HPS, these include "JLAB", "SLAC" or "TEST".


When referring to a dataset, the format denotes the file format of the resource (physical file on disk).

This is constrained to a limited set of values for the HPS data catalog: "EVIO", "LCIO", "ROOT", "AIDA" or "TEST".


When referring to a dataset, the type denotes the logical contents of its resource.

For HPS, the following values are valid for the type: "RAW", "RECON", "DST", "DQM" or "TEST".

RAW means raw data from the DAQ (EVIO format).

RECON is physics reconstruction data in LCIO.

DST is a ROOT based representation of the physics data.

DQM are data quality plots in either AIDA or ROOT format.

More Information

Data Catalog Python Client