Present: Stepan, Maurik, Tim, Takashi, Raphael, Bryan

Please send additions/corrections to whole email list.

1. News (forgot to report at meeting)

FYI. The SVT and SVT DAQ schedules have slipped somewhat from those shown earlier in the summer. The primary culprits are difficulties with the Front End Board and changes in plans for the cabling in vac. Schedule details are given in confluence under Detector/Tracking/Endgame schedule. Roughly, SLAC expects to be ready to fully assemble and cable the SVT by mid-October, followed by several weeks of full system commissioning and then shipping to JLAB and reassembling.  Plan to be ready for Hall B installation mid to late November and preserve most of the commissioning run.

2. Approval of Shift Plan

We made minor amendments to the HPS Shift Policy. HPS Shift Policy 3.0.pdf 

We discussed the shift plan Bryan put forward at the Wed HPS Meeting. It was unanimously approved. We thanked him for his efforts.

Bryan will inform institutional reps of their responsibilities in filling assigned shifts for the commissioning run. Foreign institutions  will have the first two weeks after the announcement to arrange swaps; domestic institutions the week following to arrange theirs. As time allows, Bryan will add information on Run Coordinator and system expert shifts to the record.

The spring run will occur between March 1 and June 12, 2015. It may start as late as April 4. These dates will be better known in December, when Bryan must repeat the scheduling exercise.

3. Response to ARR

Stepan noted that Nathan has a simple proposal that will satisfy the request for improved document control, version numbering, etc.

Stepan will ask Nathan to make a presentation at the next Wed HPS meeting.

4. Plans for future collaboration meetings.

We agreed that the next collaboration meeting can be at SLAC in January. If there are important benefits to having it instead at JLAB, we can can reconsider. John will look into available dates for a SLAC meeting.

Raphael described the France-Stanford Center funds ($25k) which Orsay has secured in order to offset travel  expenses incurred by US participants for the "June" collaboration meeting next year in Paris. We discussed possible meeting dates, and concluded the period June 29-early July looked best. Raphael will see if these times are possible, and propose more meeting particulars.  While there is still abundant time to make this decision, it may be advantageous to decide on the time early to facilitate DOE conference approval and obtain lower airfares.
