This list contains the action items for the IEPM-BW group and is to be used to determine the tasks and progress of IEPM-BW members. Members are expected to keep their tasks up-to-date and current.

An archive of the task list, as standing after our group meeting, is also kept for reference.Key


Item is



Awaits something, also provides a start of wait date


Task is complete or has been dropped


Task is currently being worked on or is actively being discussed

The general format of each task shall be represented as such:

  1. Project 1 - <Task Manager>
    1. Task 1 - <Person(s) responsible>
      1. Minor task 1 - <Person(s) responsible>
    2. Task 2 - <Person(s) responsible>
  2. Project 2 - <Task Manager>
    1. -Task 1 - <Person(s) responsible>- -\[done 20060901\]-

Completed items must only be striked through rather than removed. These items will then be removed after each face-to-face meeting when the archive is updated.