Present: Stepan, Maurik, FX, Raphael, Takashi, John, Bryan
Comments and corrections should go to the whole email list.

1.Scheduling shifts--final details

Assigning Experts and Workers--Stepan presented a spread sheet with everyone designated E or W. See attached.

Beamline commissioning--Stepan is proposing standby shifts, 24/7, using locals only, from Oct.10-Nov. 21.
SLAC will offer to cover some shifts, starting in November.

Final List of Collaboration Members-- Youri Sharabian is in; Slifer is out. Confluence page is up to date.

Subsystem Experts--John showed information received so far from subsystem leaders. Stepan said that Ben and
Sergey will serve as subsystem experts for TDAQ (and trigger). Raphael will still propose which expert will be on
shift when. See attached.

Run coordinators will be JLAB for beamline checkout; SLAC for running beginning Nov. 22.

2. Response to RR Report Recommendations We reviewed the draft prepared by Stepan, with input from Pelle, Takashi, and John.

Stepan will talk to committee members today and tomorrow to get comments on our draft response, and to get more
information on remaining beamline questions.

Maurik and Matt will review the response to #7, and edit or accept the present text.

We'll try to finish by COB tomorrow.

3. Approval of Sebouh Paul as HPS Collaboration Member
Sebouh was unanimously approved for HPS membership.

