The createDoxygen program runs as part of the build process in the LSF based workflow. It does not currently run in the Jenkins workflows as it is not needed there.  It runs in parallel with the testBuild program

When invoked, this program requires the --buildId flag to be specified with the buildId corresponding to a valid entry in the build database table.  Thus all invocations must be of the form:

createDoxygen --buildId <buildID>

where <buildId> is the build package to be worked on.

Then run it first checks to see if the buildDocumentation configuration setting exists for the build being performed.  If not the program exits.  If it does and is set to true, the program then proceed to create the complete doxygen documentation for the build in the location specified by doxygenLocation in the settings database table.

As the documentation is the same for all the various builds, this configuration flag is only exists for the Debug variant of the redhat5-i686-32bit-gcc41 builds for the ScienceTools and GlastRelease. 
