New features:

Bugs fixed:

Known issues:

 Python users get an error when they call the the duration() method of a ControlData.ConfigV1 or ControlData.ConfigV2 object (this object is retrieved from the environment configStore during event processing). Here is an example illustrating how users of the interactive psana can hit the problem:

from psana import *
ds = DataSource('exp=xpptut13:run=179')
obj = ds.env().configStore().get(ControlData.ConfigV2)

TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: Pds::ClockTime

This issue has been fixed and will be generally available in the next release. To fix this problem in the current release, users can build a test release with the fix as follows:

newrel ana-0.11.2 myrelease
cd myrelease
addpkg psana_python V00-13-03