Present: Stepan, F-X, Raphael, Maurik, Takashi, John, Tim, Marco Oriunno.
Please send additions and corrections to the entire EC.

1. Marco reviewed the status of subsystem responses to Review Recommendations. HPS Exec April242014.pptx

Responses are still required on some items. For example:

Ecal:  Are special secondary targets needed? How will calibration be done?
SVT/SVT DAQ:  Updated endgame schedule needed;  Will there be more sensor radiation tests?
SC: Manpower or budget issues? Is there close coordination with other systems?
Beamline: Document for beam operations procedures is needed.
Software: Prioritize activities; develop Ecal software milestones; establish a data management czar
TDAQ: Is manpower available for integration and commissioning?

Marco will be in touch with subsystem leaders to get responses

2. Readiness Review.

Rolf Ent has scheduled a Hall B Beamline and HPS readiness review for July 10, 2014 at JLAB. Alan Stone was invited and may attend.  HPS will likely want major subsystem experts in attendance. We don't yet have a good plan for what presentations we will want to make.

Stepan and John are still in the process of understanding what is required. Stepan thinks that insuring safety during installation and operations is the major goal of the review. To that end, HPS will need to prepare a series of safety documents: COO, ESAD, RSAD, ERG, OSP, etc.). These documents and some procedures are described here:

 A draft charge is given here: HPS_Experiment_Readiness_Review_re.docx  Documentation and procedures for operating the HPS apparatus will be required, as will a thorough discussion of the beamline and beamline safety issues and clear plans for installing and running the detector.

3. Test Beam Paper Author List.

We reviewed the author list of our proposal to DOE, considering names to remove and add, as a guide to the author list. Tim suggested basic criteria for being an author: helping in the design and construction of the Test Run apparatus; running shifts; helping with the Test Run analysis. Any of the above.

We decided to compile an OR of the author lists of the Test Run Proposal and the Test Run Status Report to PAC39 as our starting point, and add and subtract as appropriate. Authors Test Run 2.docx John will solicit EC opinions by email.

4. Shift Schedule

The EC has responsibility for devising the HPS shift policy. We should have something in place by the Collaboration meeting.  This will be a topic for discussion at our next meeting.  Presentation of existing models (say for CLAS) would move the discussion along.

5. Next Meeting

May 8, 2014 at 10AM Pacific.


John Jaros