Workshop Summary

Location: Physical Science Complex, University of Maryland, College Park

Date: February 11 and 12, 2014

This workshop will be focused on hands-on Fermi analysis tutorials along with analogs from VERITAS and HAWC.  In general, we would like everyone to leave with an understanding of each collaboration's data-flow process with an eye towards joint efforts.  This workshop will be of particular interest, but is not limited to, the analysis of time-domain astrophysics events such as GRBs and AGN flares.   Other topics might include joint analysis tools for multi-wavelength studies.

The idea for this workshop grew from the successful LIGO-Fermi workshop held at GWU (

We would like to welcome anyone willing to come to the workshop with your laptop and a willingness to analyze some data, especially if you are involved in data analysis in one of these collaborations.

Please email Jeremy if you have any questions or are interested in participating in the workshop.


Please see the Agenda Page.


Add your name to the Attendence for the Fermi/HAWC/VERITAS Workshop page or contact Jeremy.

Logistics (Including Location, Transport and Lodging)

Please see the Logistics page.