The rootd server on sldrh2 is down. This rootd server serves the system tests histos and the pawdemo.root file that we use to test the AIDA tag library. It looks like Tony has fixed the system tests histo server by moving it to glast02, but I can't figure out how to connect to this new rootd server.

As a simple fix (so I could continue my development), and to just gain some experience with xrootd, I thought I'd try to see if I could fire up xrootd on glast02. Tony told me that Navid was going to look into setting up xrootd for us, so I had a few questions about how I should proceed, and to share the results of my simple experiemtns.
Well, xrootd fired up ok (as user langston, not as root), but ROOT couldn't connect to it because I failed to authorize. This was my setup:

  1. Iwrote this simple configuration file:
    xrootd.fslib /nfs/farm/g/glast/u05/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/ROOT/v4.02.00/root/lib/
    xrootd.export /nfs/farm/g/glast/u07/mcenery/systests/GlastRelease
  2. I started xrootd like this:
    xrootd -l xrdlog -c &
  3. I tried to access the v5r0p2 VerticalGamma100MeV system test histos running root from my laptop like this:
    myfile = TFile::Open("root://");
  4. I got these error messages from root
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTRecv>: recv (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::RecvRaw>: cannot receive buffer
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTSend>: send (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::SendRaw>: cannot send buffer
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTSend>: send (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::SendRaw>: cannot send buffer
    Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: attempted methods SSH/UidGid are not supported by remote server version
    Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: failure: list of attempted methods: UsrPwd SSH UidGid
    Error in <TPSocket::Authenticate>: authentication failed for
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTRecv>: recv (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::RecvRaw>: cannot receive buffer
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTSend>: send (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::SendRaw>: cannot send buffer
    SysError in <TWinNTSystem::WinNTSend>: send (No such file or directory)
    Error in <TWinNTSystem::SendRaw>: cannot send buffer
    Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: attempted methods SSH/UidGid are not supported by remote server version
    Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: failure: list of attempted methods: UsrPwd SSH UidGid
    Error in <TPSocket::Authenticate>: authentication failed for
    Error in <TNetFile::TNetFile>: can't open connection to rootd on host at port 1094
    Error in <TNetFile::Create>: authentication attempt unsuccessful
  5. This was the output in the xrootd log file:
    langston@glast02$ tail -f xrdlog
    oss.fdlimit      512 1024
    oss.maxdbsize    0
    oss.trace        0
    oss.xfr          1 9437184 30 10800
    050115 18:08:02 001 oss_Init: No remote file paths specified; local mode assumed
    050115 18:08:02 001 Prep log directory not specified; prepare tracking disabled.
    050115 18:08:02 001 Exporting /nfs/farm/g/glast/u07/mcenery/systests/GlastRelease
    050115 18:08:02 001 XRootd protocol version 2.2.0 build 20041124-0752 successfully loaded.
    050115 18:08:02 001 initialization completed.
    050115 18:15:29 18537 XrdLink: ?:11@ntvpn2-022 disconnected after 0:00:01 (matching protocol not found)
    050115 18:15:29 18537 XrdLink: ?:11@ntvpn2-022 disconnected after 0:00:00 (matching protocol not found)