How to change the calibration constants used by recon?

(by Dave Smith, for the CAL case. )  There are 5 types of CAL calib.xml files, called

These files are in $LATCalibRoot/CAL/CU06.

If you have new .xml files then the first thing to do is to copy them to that directory.

Don't have write privileges there? Then contact me or Johan Bregeon or Anders. In a hurry and none of them are available? Then try Johan Cohen-Tanugi, Joanne Bogaert, Richard Dubois.

Your next step is to enter the new files names into the RDB metadata database. If you're not in a flaming hurry, it's best to have one of us "experts" do it. 

But if we're unavailable, then log on to noric (or whatever machine your rdb MySQL system is) and type rdbGUI-new.

There is documentation, see

Older but still of some merit is the following.;

Once you've mastered rdbGUI and you've added your file names to the metadata database, triple check your entries. It is very important that vstart be consistent with the data you want (re-)processed. If your calibrations are to supersede older calibrations, that is, render the old ones obsolete, then YOU MUST CHANGE THE PROC_LEVEL FROM PROD TO SUPSED for the old file names.

If you have spaces, typos, invisible characters in your file names, it will CRASH THE PIPELINE so when you update the rdb database, send e-mail to

Okay, it won't actually crash the whole pipeline, just those jobs that look for non-existing calibration files, but warning the pipeline caretakers that you have made a change will help them be alert to why many jobs are suddenly failing...

How to find out which calibration constants were used ?

Example : CAL calib constants

Here's one way (by Dave Smith).  From the eLog, click on "list root files" to find the name of the directory on noric where the recon files are. In that directory, you can do a grep. For example,

dsmith@noric06 $ cd /nfs/farm/g/glast/u37/BeamTest06/rootData/700000698/v4r0909p2/recon

dsmith@noric06 $ grep asym *.log
recon-v1r030603p4_700000698_00000-07469.log:XmlBaseCnv           INFO successfully parsed document $(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/CU06/mc_asym.jun8th2006.CU_pass1_Pisa.xml aka /afs/
recon-v1r030603p4_700000698_07470-14939.log:XmlBaseCnv           INFO successfully parsed document $(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/CU06/mc_asym.jun8th2006.CU_pass1_Pisa.xml aka /afs/
recon-v1r030603p4_700000698_14940-22409.log:XmlBaseCnv           INFO successfully parsed document $(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/CU06/mc_asym.jun8th2006.CU_pass1_Pisa.xml aka /afs/
dsmith@noric06 $

You can do the same for the other 4 types of CAL calib.xml files that are used in recon, e.g.  ci_intnonlin, peds, mpd, thold.

CAL calibrations

Trending CAL CPTs

Here is the trendiing of CU CAL module performances from CPTs runs taken at Pisa (2 suites) and at CERN (July, 7) : T01-FM109, T02-FM119and T03-FM101 : no evolution was found

ACD calibrations

Describes policy and steps for updating