Webex meeting for those not at SLAC: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/hpsg/Webex+connection+details


- Hybrid layout finalization

- Progress/news on FE board layout

- Power supply procurement: outstanding issues

- Radiation hardness of FE board

- News from gimp studies?



Order for 40 hybrid was placed with a 5d turn-around time. Expect to get them week start Nov. 18. Ben has provided Lupe with the BOM for loading the hybrids so it should be ready to go ones we have them.

Temporary hybrid interface:
We discussed the need for a cable to test the hybrids with  devboard setup before we have working FE boards. Options include 1) a flex with the LPAM connector on one end and a DB connector at the other or 2) a small PCB with the LPAM and DB connector at each end. We concluded that a flex is likely more expensive than a simple PCB and Ben would go ahead and look at the schematics and layout of such a board. He will get the channel output on the DB connector from Pelle. We would need the PCB sometime end of the week starting Nov. 18; later works but is not preferred. 

FE board:
Ben would check FE board layout progress with Tung on Monday. There was some discussion on making sure that the layout, if possible, groups components with large cooling needs into some simpler structure to simplify the cooling plate design which will try to wrap those components to improve cooling.

The radiation tolerance for the components on the FE board needs a little more study. While we thinkg SEU are not a large issue the cumulative dose from X-rays could reach tens of krad  per week in local spots according to a crude estimation from Pelle. It was decided that Pelle would talk to Takashi about getting a good estimation and Ben would look into the components and see if there is information on radiation tolerance. Ben mentioned that the Flash eprom is likely the most vulnerable.

Power supply procurement
Pelle asked Stepan for feedback on where the PS and daq racks will be placed:
The DAQ crate will be housed in the forward cage.
The PS racks are in pie tower which is about 10m straight but probably 15m on rails. Stepan would go and measure these distances for us.
Note that when we are not running the forwage cage will move upstream and we need to disconnect the electronics. We probably want to disconnect at the rack side.


GIMP update:
Tim is working on an email to the APV25 chip designers/experts to see if we can understand what we problem we caused in the NLCTA test beam. He will let people know if he needs help.

Tim mentioned that the kapton layout for L4-6 is pretty much ready and the order for them will go out on Monday or Tuesday. The quote was 1200$ with 5d turn-around.