|T|M|F|1382999840360|1383064881026|chee|Check glast account for cron jobs which need to be moved (Chee)|
|T|M|F|1383151817973|1392335806199|chee|Make sure all  the cron jobs are actually moved (Chee)|
|T|M|F|1382999575996|1384991312491|bvan|Check if any SRS job daemons use glast-jobcontrol alias (they do) (Brian)|
|F|M|F|1382999281903|          |tonyj|Check that WIRED still works after tomcat09 move (Brian asks Dima to check)|
|T|M|F|1382999251710|1384991445207|bvan|Check that web access to job status at Lyon works after tomcat09 move (Brian)|
|F|M|F|1383000726334|          |wilko|Check using root for cron jobs which need to be moved (Wilko)|
|T|M|F|1382999743200|1389292109277|tonyj|Migrate srs tomcat server new new location (Max)|
|T|M|F|1382999508054|1390500356219|tonyj|Migrate xrootd proxy (glast-xrootd01 used by system tests) (Wilko+Tony)|
|T|M|F|1383150638749|1389292119520|tonyj|set up /cvs/java symlink on fermilnx-v14 (replacement for glastlnx07) (Tony)|
|T|M|F|1382999702377|1384991494446|bvan|Move centaurusa alias to point to new fermilnx machine (Tom)|
|F|M|F|1382999778764|          |tonyj|Move glast-heprep01 alias to fermilnx-v14 , and check if WIRED still works (Dima)|
|T|M|F|1382999603936|1384991327989|bvan|Move glast-jobcontrol01 alias to point to new job control daemons (Brian)|
|T|M|F|1382999194384|1389737553023|bvan|Move glast-tomcat08 to new server, move alias (Brian)|
|T|M|F|1382999148135|1389737553949|bvan|Move glast-tomcat09 to new server, move alias (Brian)|
|T|M|F|1382999544075|1384888140298|bvan|Move pipeline mail server (Brian)|
|T|M|F|1382999722808|1391544408657|tonyj|Move subversion onto SCA machine from glastlnx07 (Tony)|
|T|M|F|1383000777962|1390501857694|tonyj|migrate dev srs server glastlnx08? somewhere else (Max)|
|T|M|F|1382999374702|1392080351037|tonyj|xrootd redirector (prod) Move glast-rdr alias (Wilko)|
|T|M|F|1382999344767|1392080354324|tonyj|xrootd redirector (prod) register new redirectors with file servers (Wilko)|
|T|M|F|1382999481004|1383007006015|turri|Check if system tests users explicit name (glastlnx03?) or alias for xrootd access (Max) The SystemTests application uses: xroot://glast-xrootd01.slac.stanford.edu|
|T|M|F|1383151422417|1392405789319|dragon|Check on stanford rsync for CVS web access (Tom)|
|T|M|F|1383151436814|1392854206731|dragon|Check rsync job from IN2P3 for pipeline log files (Stephan Zimmer, Samuel Viscapi)|
|T|M|F|1383151752446|1383151757928|tonyj|Create /cvs/java symlink on fermlnx-v14 (Wilko)|
|F|M|F|1393280558174|          |tonyj|Move cron jobs off of glastlnx20 and glastlnx07 (Tony)|

Remaining cron jobs (glast, glastraw, glastmc, srs): Not included freehep, glastrm, *

* glastlnx07 still has this cron job for user glast 
* glastlnx20 still has a bunch of glastrm stuff running on it, plus a hudson build agent, plus these cron jobs for user glast. Also, glastlnx20 has trscron entries (see below)
trscron entries:
ssh glast@glastlnx10 'trscrontab -l | sed "/^#/d" | sort | uniq’

glastlnx02;1500 0 * * * * /u/gl/glast/infraCron/cron.pl >> ~/cron/log 2>&1
glastlnx02;1500 26,56 * * * * /afs/slac.stanford.edu/u/gl/glast/copyFTtoNFS/copyFTtoNFS.sh > /afs/slac.stanford.edu/u/gl/glast/copyFTtoNFS/copy.log 2>&1
glastlnx03;1500 0 * * * * /u/gl/glast/infraCron/cron.pl >> ~/cron/log 2>&1
glastlnx03;1500 18 * * * * /u/gl/glast/checkSystem/checkSystem.pl > /u/gl/glast/checkSystem/checkSystem.lastlog 2>&1
glastlnx20;1500 0 * * * * /u/gl/glast/infraCron/cron.pl >> ~/cron/log 2>&1
glastlnx20;1500 27 * * * * /u/gl/glastrm/grits-cpp/bin/lsfDaemon

Machines already shutdown
Machines which are ready to be shutdown (but left racked so they can be turned back on)
 Machines that are not ready to be shutdown

Machines not checked yet