Beam Test Pipeline Overview


The pipeline automatically retrieves all online data produced by LATTE which are currently stored in directories associated with runs numbers and brings them to the SLAC farm. After that it populated an ORACLE database to provide queries to the data, creates reports, and reconstruct data.

A pipeline diagram can be seen below

The location for the xml files used for upload is

Need an explanation of how the tasks get launched by FastCopy

Policy for updating tasks

Describes policy and steps for updating

Environment Variables

Setting up the environment so that one can acess the ORACLE database

Pipeline Tasks and Associated Scripts

Each pipeline tasks consists of several perl scripts.

The code for the bt pipeline is found in /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/PipelineConfig/BeamTest-tasks/beamtestPipeline/current

The cvs repository for the code is here. It contains a branch with the following features:

The list of pipeline taks is provided below with the information how to run them.

Task Name: eLogupdate

Description: loads the database


 Associated Scripts


