The Technical Board deals with project management issues of the HPS experiment. It tracks the Budget, the Schedule and proposes modifications as required, to ensure the successful completion through the milestones toward the installation and commissioning of the experiment in the Hall-B by September'14.

It plans and organizes the reviews of subsystems as well as it manages the technical interfaces across them and the ES&H issues.
The members of the TB are all the sub-project leaders as indicated by the HPS EC, to which the TB reports. It is chaired by the HPS Project Manager and co-chaired by the two principal scientists.
The TB meets on monthly basis, although extraordinary meetings can be called in case of urgent matters arising.

Budget and Schedule Page

Calendar of the next meetings

TB No.1

TB No.2

TB No.3

TB No.4

TB No.5

September 26 Minutes &Material

October 24

December 5

January 23

February 27

  1. Consolidation of the Beamline Schedule (Marco, Stepan)
  2. ECAL review preparation (Raphael, Stepan, Marco)
  3. FY13 Budget endgame (Marco)
  4. Around the table, AOB (All)