
See if we can reduce the range of alpha (Directivity) for the CBG donuts for Pakistan.


We downloaded the data from pingtable.pl for monthly from Pakistan to Pakistan for both Alpha and min_RTT.


We loaded the two pingtable metrics into an Excel spreadsheet and used the Excel vlookup function to get the 2 metrics for each pair of hosts (monitor-remote host pairs). We then scatter plotted alpha (y) versus min_RTT (x in msec). This is shown in the plot below:

The red dots are the points for monitor AIOU, the green dots are for the remote UAF. The downward sloping lines are for monitor-remote hosts seoarated by roughly the same distance, e.g. monitors and remotes in Karachi and Lahore.


It is seen that:

The histograms of Min_RTT (the spreadsheet is here ) and Alpha are shown below (the spreadsheet is here ):

