I have worked on the code for the Geometry of the PS and SPS simulations. In particular I have added the following:

PS Runs: 

The geometry for the positron runs is depicted in the following image: 




Additional changes include:

  1. Sampling position now from the plastic0 detector, then extrapolating the event back to the start of the beam line. This point is used for the start of the event.
    From there the event is propagated through the geometry. Doing so enhances the probability of the particles hitting the trigger plastic0 detector (they do 100%
    of the times if we switch off the multiple scattering on the way).
  2. By adding the keyword /Cern/detector/positronrun 1 one can write out only the events that triggered plastic0 and plastic1 and did not leave a signal in plastic2.
    These are the events that we eventually are looking for in the positron runs (annihilation events).
  3. Added an energy measurement for all the detectors in the beamline to the output. These can be used for cutting on the signals (e.g. requiring no energy measurement
    in the veto plastic2.
  4. For the positron annihilation runs, we now decided to use the magnet according to Nicola's suggestion. Otherwise the background from high-energy bremsstrahlungs
    photons would be too high if we use the direct beam.


SPS runs:

Simpler geometry, we shoot directly into the detector. We have the following components: