Present: Stepan, FX, Matt, Takashi, John Please send comments/correction to the whole mail list.

1. News
Stepan noted that McKeown showed (Full) HPS running in 2015 (with p charge radius) in Hall B before NSAC. This possibility lets JLAB make good use of Hall B before CLAS is ready to go, and helps remove HPS from competing for time after CLAS is installed. Also moves us along, but will make us think harder about how much we need to and can upgrade the Test Run experiment in time. Good for discussion at the Collaboration meeting.

2. Election at collab meeting.
The EC's duty is to "oversee". EC okayed proposed election procedure for Collab Business Meeting Day 3: 1)review Yuri's request; 2)allow discussion; 3)vote on secret ballot; 4)spokespeople tabulate and announce result.

3. John will set up an EC page on confluence for meeting minutes, collaboration author list, thesis list, etc.

4. Consensus is that a paper on multiple scattering should not be considered a collaboration physics result, so should not be subject to all the formalities of EC and PPC approvals. It will still of course need to be approved by the committees and collab for publication.