Building Gaudi v21r7



  1. Unzip LCGCMT_58 into your local directory
  2. Unzip Gaudi source code into your local directory
  3. Copy in our version of ROOT v5.26.00a-gl1 into the external/ROOT directory
  4. Copy in our version of Python 2.5.1 into the external/Python directory
  5. Update external/LCGCMT_58/LCG_Configuration/cmt/requirements
    set ROOT_config_version to 5.26.00a-gl1
    set Python_config_version to 2.5.1-gl1
  6. Update external/LCGCMT/LCGCMT_58/LCG_Interfaces/ROOT/cmt/requirements and comment out
    ## apply_pattern use_optional pkg=Qt
    ## apply_pattern use_optional pkg=dcache_client
    ## apply_pattern use_optional pkg=gfal
    and add:
    macro ROOT_cppflags "" \
                        target-winxp "-DROOT_w32pragma "
  7. Update external/LCGCMT/LCGCMT_58/LCG_Settings/cmt/requirements
    Update LCG_home to the top level location of the Gaudi build to something like:
    macro LCG_home "${myPathDir}/buildingGaudi_v21r7/"
    Update LCG_Releases to
    macro LCG_releases "$(LCG_home)/external"
  8. Update GaudiKernel's requirements file to remove use of CppUnit
  9. Update GaudiSvc's requirements file to remove use of CLHEP
  10. Set up to use CMT v1r20p20090520, for example:
    CMTROOT=C:\heather\glast\tools\CMT\v1r20p20090520  (make sure there is no space at the end of that definition!)
  11. Add CMT to PATH
  12. Execute vsvars32.bat in the Microsoft VC++ 7.1 distribution
  13. Gaudi uses CMT, so building goes something like this
    We choose to limit the Gaudi packages we build to (in this order):  GaudiKernel, GaudiSvc, GaudiUtil, GaudiAlg, GaudiAud
    For each package, enter the cmt directory and do:
      cmt broadcast "cmt config"
      nmake /f nmake
  14. Extra Notes.. a number of the boost includes had to be renamed from *.hp to *.hpp

VC 2008 notes

  1. GaudiKernel's Debugger.cpp required a modification where windows.h was included outside the Win namespace
  2. GaudiSvc's manifest file for genconf.exe needs to be copied over into the InstallArea by hand


  1. Obtain the source from /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/srcExtLibs/GAUDI_v21r7-gl1_src.tar.gz
  2. Setup up the required Gaudi externals:  AIDA, Boost, gccxml, python 2.5.1, ROOT v5.26.00-gl1, uuid, XercesC 2.8.0

Building Gaudi v21r4



Building Gaudi v18r1

The official Gaudi Home Page:

Our outdated GLAST Gaudi home page:

A good point of contact if having trouble:  Pere Mato (

Obtaining the source

The Gaudi home Page sees modification from time to time, especially on the timescale of our upgrades - so this information is as of June,2006. 
Access the Releases page off the Gaudi home page:
Click on the Doxygen link for the version you are interested in.
The Doxygen page for a particular release will provide a Download for the Gaudi source.

Obtaining the external libraries that Gaudi uses

Accessing the Gaudi external libraries is separate from downloading Gaudi itself.  Again, the Gaudi Home Page does see reorganization from time to time, this information is current as of June,2006.
Access the Releases page off the Gaudi Home Page:
Click on the Doxygen link for the version you are interested in.
The Doxygen page will include a link called "Related External Libraries" 
For example for Gaudi v18r1: the version of LCGCMT, in this case LCGCMT_40a.
Also note that the list of external libraries is not complete exhaustive!  This page lists the highlights, but some of these externals depend on other external libraries that must be obtained.

This page is helpful in that it provides the version of all Gaudi external, however, I have found that it does not necessarily provide useful links for obtaining the binaries for all platforms.  I found the following link much more helpful in that all the binaries are available in one location:
This page does indeed include ALL externals you might require.  For example, for Gaudi v18r1 we require:
AIDA 3.2.1
BOOST 1.32
CppUnit 1.10.2
expat 1.95.8
GSL 1.5
pcre 4.4
POOL 2.2.7
Python 2.4.2
SEAL 1.7.9
uuid 1.38
xerces 2.3.0

Yes, a long list, this will allow you to get started - after compiling Gaudi and determining which Gaudi packages we actually need and require, one can trim down the list of external libraries.  Currently, GLAST Offline uses the following Gaudi packages:  GaudiAud, GaudiAlg, GaudiKernel, GaudiPI, GaudiSvc.  We are interestd in using GaudiPython as well.

On the windows side - many libraries are only provided in debug mode.  The Gaudi team does not have the time or resources to provide non-debug optimized versions - they use Windows as a development environment and not for production.

In addition to downloading the libraries, also download the appropriate version of LCGCMT_*, this package acts as their IExternal package and is necessary to compile Gaudi.


Unpack all the source and binaries you have downloaded. 

Once LCGCMT has been unpacked you may have a directory tree that looks like:
LGCCMT/LCG_CMT40a/LCG_Interfaces - contains packages that behave like our IExtermal package where the subpackages determine how to find the external libraries
LCGCMT/LCG_CMT40a/LCG_Settings - requirements file sets up global environment to find externals - in particular it defines the tags for the various operating systems and compilers
LCGCMT/LCG_CMT40a/LCG_Policy - like our GlastPolicy

There are some environment variables that should be set before compiling Gaudi:

In addition some of the requirements in LCGCMT should be modified:
Update LCG_Settings/cmt/requirements:
set LCG_home=C:\heather
set LCG_releases - determines path to find POOL and SEAL
set LCG_external - determines path to find other externals like AIDA...  haven't experimented with makeing LCG_external == LCG_releases

Update LCG_Interfaces/CLHEP/cmt/requirements
CLHEP_version - version number of CLHEP for Gaudi v18r1 it is
CLHEP_home -  points to our CLHEP external example: $(GLAST_EXT)/CLHEP/$(CLHEP_native_version)
Also add python.exe to the PATH if it isn't already.

Gaudi uses CMT, so building goes something like this - (Windows version in parentheses):
From within the Gaudi cmt directory
  cmt broadcast "cmt config"
  source (setup.bat)
  make   (nmake /f nmake)

Linux Notes

  Might check if there is a .cmtrc file in your $HOME directory to be sure it doesn't override your CMTPATH

Windows Notes

Some examples env var settings: 

set CMTBIN = VisualC
set CMTROOT=C:\heather\glast\tools\CMT\v1r16p20040901
set CMTVERSION=v1r16p20040901
set CMTPATH=C:\heather\gaudi\GAUDI\GAUDI_v18r1;C:\heather\gaudi\LCGCMT;C:\heather\gaudi\LCGCMT\LCGCMT_40a;C:\heather\glast\tools

set CMTCONFIG=win32_vc71_dbg
set SITEROOT=C:\heather

Reorganization of includes and libraries

When Gaudi is done compiling, you will find the libraries distributed under each of its packages:  GaudiAlg, GaudiAud, GaudiKernel, GaudPI, GaudiSvc,...  the libraries and includes may be reorganized under one common gaudi directory for distribution with the GLAST Offline software.