
Students have a local superviser in Kuching. We start with a couple of graduate students interested in network monitoring.

Up to 2 graduate or beyond students at a time at SLAC, Funded by UNIMAS:

Visit information

Typical duration at SLAC is 1 year. Nara raised the question as to whether the invitations could be for 2 years. Les checked with the US immigration folks. Unfortunately for IT specialists the limitation is 1 year.

Nara also asked as whether there was a way to get a certificate issued on their work at SLAC to assist with a future career. Les is happy to provide a ltter of recommendation on SLAC letter head concerning their work st SLAC.

Typically visits are expected to be for about a year. UNIMAS are on a 2 semester system. There is a a break of 3 weeks. The semesters start September and February.


Share an office with Les. This will provide quick response to questions and suggestions. Les will provide supervision and mentorship. there should also be a superviasor in UNIMAS. Have access to SLAC facilities (computing account, office space, facilities etc.)

The exact tasks to be performed will depend to some extent on the students interests for example do they lean more to.

The following are potential areas for tasks.

Work on PingER Wide Area Network monitoring (also see potential tasks ).

Work on graphical front ends for the perfSONAR network monitoring. This will be mainly with Dr Yee Ting Li.

Work on geo locating target hosts by means of ping Round Trip Times from known landmarks to provide information for trilateration.

Coordinate fortnightly phone meetings with UNIMAS.

Coordinate regular phone meetings with NUST Pakistan.

Consult higher education for funding