Building External Libraries

A page with links with instructions for building the externals .


Windows builds occur on: glast09, glast10, glast11, and glast-win03, as the "glast" user, where builds and externals reside on the V: drive
Note that the LSF password on windows must match the "glast" password.  This is set via a command windows, using the lspasswd command.

RHEL4 builds occur on glastlnx14

Core Meeting Minutes

All of the core meeting minutes are located here: /afs/slac/www/exp/glast/ground/software/minutes and can be updated by those interested in doing so.

SCons RM

Windows builds occur on glast-win04, as the "glast" user" where all data resides on the D: drive
Note that the LSF password on windows must match the "glast" password.  This is set via a command windows, using the lspasswd command.

RHEL4 builds occur on glastlnx14



Mac OS Snow Leopard bldmac02

System Tests


The entire workbook resides in CVS, those interested in making modifications can do so.  When a commit is made a "build" of the workbook occurs via Hudson and is posted to the test site.  Once we are satisifed and desire to post the updated contents to the production version, we can run the  ~glast/releaseWorkbook script.