TULIP landmarks are servers at well kown locations (lat/longs), that can ping a requested target (typically at an unknown location) to use geolocation to find the location of the target. There are several sources of potential TULIP landmarks. These include PingER, perfSONAR and PlanetLabs. The current list of TULIP landmarks can be found by looking at the list.


Use the perfSONAR list of traceroute/ping servers. It is at: This provide a list of IP names/address that host traceroute/ping servers. Then add to the perfSONAR toolkit host name (e.g. or 2001:e10:3c00:3:5054:ff:fe12:ee41) the following


 to create a URL: The output should appear as below:


Most PingER monitoring sites have a traceroute/ping server. This is the same server CGI script (with a different URL) as the perfSONAR server  CGI script so the output is the same. The URL for the PingER ping server is


This creates a URL of the form http://pinger.arn.dz/cgi-bin/traceroute.pl?target=www.slac.stanford.edu&function=ping


We use the Planetlab scriptroute service via the TULIP reflector