Shift Taker

Starting the SVT DAQ

1. Begin by login into the hpstracker with user name tracker:

> ssh tracker@hpstracker

In order to obtain the password, talk to an expert!

2. Issuing the following command will start the Tracker DAQ

> RestartTrackerDAQ

Two windows should then pop up:

TrackerFull Control: This is the main GUI from which the tracker is configured.

trackerServer: terminal window showing information regarding the

trackerEpics: shows EPICS information (only temperature for now)

Start the JLab DAQ (Coda)

1. Begin by opening a new terminal and login in to clon10 with user name clasrun:

ssh clasrun@clons10

In order to obtain the password, talk to an expert!

2. Issue the following command to start Coda


Configuring the SVT

Before data can be taken the SVT has to be configured as follows.

Go to the trackerFull Control GUI:

0. Check the status of the power and cooling of the SVT by looking here  

1. Hit Hard Reset button, wait about 3s until you see "0 out of 0 APVs synced, click Set Defaults." in the System Status window.

2. Hit Set Default button, wait about 3s until you see "0 out of 0 APVs synced. " in the System Status window

3. Hit Load Configuration, this should open up a new window. Select full_tracker.xml and press "Open". Wait ~5s until you see "X/100 APV's synced". X is often, but not always 100 at this point, and there might be errors reported in the System Status window. These errors can be ignored if the next step succeeds.

4. Hit Soft Reset. Wait ~5s until you see "100/100 APV's synced. Ready to Run"

At this point the SVT is ready to recieve triggers and the next step is to configure and start the run from the Coda Run Control.

Configuring the JLab DAQ

To be filled.

Starting and stopping a run

The instructions have their own page : .

Expert Only

How to power cycle DAQ

In case the DAQ crate or PC needs to be rebooted the following procedure can be used from any terminal:

Login in to clon10 with user name clasrun:

 > ssh clasrun@clon10

ask an expert for the password!

The connect to the power supply switch through the serial port:

 > tsconnect recycle2

To turn off the PC:

 > of 1 1

To turn on and boot PC:

 > on 1 1

To turn off the DAQ crate:

 > off 1 2

To turn on the DAQ crate:

 > on 1 2