Table of Contents


VNC = Virtual Network Computing enables you to set up a connection from a remote host (e.g. a PC offsite) to a session on a SLAC Linux host.  For access to control system components such as edm displays or matlab programs, VNC often provides the best performance.
The elements are:

This document contains instructions for setting up a connection from a Windows PC to a VNC session on a public Linux host at SLAC.  


Set up your PC (one time)

Configure your vncserver (one time)

Run your vnc server (as needed)

As needed.

The session will continue to run until you -kill it, or until SCCS does.
Warning - tokens, kerberos tickets, vpn, and ssh tunnelling can all conspire to prevent you from reconnecting to an existing vncserver session. See troubleshooting section below. The safest thing is to re-start a vncserver for every use, and -kill it when done.

Use VNC Viewer to connect from Windows (every time you connect)

Every time you need a new session.


Here are some VNC Viewer errors you may encounter.


SLAC Linux VNC page:
