LCFIPlus is a reconstruction software which performs vertex finding, jet finding, and flavor tagging in one package.  It is implemented as a Marlin processor configurable with the XML steering file.

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How to obtain LCFIPlus

The LCFIPlus package is included in the ILCSoft release.

The latest version can be downloaded from the DESY SVN repository:

svn co LCFIPlus

Discussions about the package happen on the mailing list lcfi-vertex AT desy DOT de


LCFIPlus contains the following algorithms:

How to get flavor tagging information inside a Marlin processor:

// get jet collection
LCCollection* colJet = evt->getCollection("VertexJets");

// get PIDHandler associated with the jet collection
PIDHandler pidh( colJet );

// get algorithm ID associated with LCFIPlus
int algo = pidh.getAlgorithmID( "lcfiplus" );

// get index number for flavor tagging
int ibtag = pidh.getParameterIndex(algo, "BTag");
int ictag = pidh.getParameterIndex(algo, "CTag");

// loop over jets to extract flavor tagging information
for(int i=0; i < colJet->getNumberOfElements(); i++) {
  ReconstructedParticle *part = 
    dynamic_cast<ReconstructedParticle*>( colJet->getElementAt( i ) );
  const ParticleID &pid = pidh.getParticleID(part, algo);
  cout << "btag = " << pid.getParameters()[ibtag] << endl;
  cout << "ctag = " << pid.getParameters()[ictag] << endl;