Minutes for SLAC-SEECS Meeting December 07, 2011.


Sadia has sent Ghulam details of how to fill SLAC user account form. He will send them back today.

Suggestion for Pingtable Regional Data selection - Anjum and Amber

Amber has added PERN_POP and PERN_NON-POP group to pingtable.pl however the groups cannot be added in Table.pl. We can add regional groups for making report and delete them afterwards.

IPV6 - Anjum and Ghulam

The IP Address was allocated by the Networks Department but they did not inform us. Anjum did not keep track of it, hence the delay. Ghulam Nabi tried to install pinger on IPV6 enabled machine last week. Not working yet.

A possible project would be to make traceroute.pl work on a dual stack IPv6 host (say to traceroute to ipv6.google.com). Will need to look at gethostbyname etc. Is there any interest?

Another is to make pingtable.pl and getdata.pl IPV6 capable.

ICFA and HEC Report - Anjum and Amber

Amber has started working on ICFA annual report.

Amber has started working on HEC Six Monthly report.

Anjum has presented September Report to HEC. Some important responses were:

Imdad, a PhD student at SEECS will be helping Amber in HEC six monthly report.

PingER Explorer - Amber

Status of Pakistani PingER hosts - Amber

As updated on 12/07/2011.

Responsible person: Joun Muhammad

All nodes deployed at PERN PoPs are being upgraded to enhance security. I had discussed with Umar as to what security features should be implemented on these nodes. If anyone notices a change in working of PoP nodes within next 2 weeks, please highlight it so that we can fix the problem.






Pinging by another IP. Data not collected. Issue will be resolved in a week       



On vacations, will be up after vacations.     



Pinging but not fetching data. Troubleshooting in progress.     



Pinging but not fetching data. Trouble shooting in progress.     



Network issue, will be up soon.       

PingER traceroute archive site - Sadia and Ghulam

Ghulam will send the list of monitoring nodes that are down. There should be script which collects the status of nodes per-day. Will be done once new pinger installment is done

PingER archive site - Ghulam

A few days back when Ghulam was working on database on archive site, it crashed. As a result Ghulam had to rebuild it from scratch. We might want to look into the suggestion of making a back up file. The backup would be on a seperate machine. Backup file can be replaced by a new backup file every night or every 2 days or may be every week.

Adding MOS and Alpha to pingtable.pl (awaits pingtable-db & getdata-db.pl working first)

TULIP - Sadia and Bilal

Following targets in Europe are not plotted on maps.

Country Name

IP Address





For example the first target can be explored here . This can be compared to a target which can be plotted on the map .

Bilal looked into it and found that nodes are plotted using other GeoIP and IP tracking tools. Possibly there is some error in Tulip map code because of which these nodes are not plotted on Tulip map.

CBG TULIP Integration -- FYP (Bilal)

PerfSONAR (Pakistan)

Possible projects

Future meeting time - Les

  1. Next meeting on Thursday 15th December at 8:00 pm in US and Friday 16th December at 9:00am in Pakistan.