GPAW Convergence Behavior

A talk given by Ansgar Schaefer studying convergence behaviour for rutiles is here (pdf).

General suggestions for helping GPAW convergence are here.

A discussion and suggestions for converging some simple systems can be found here.

Other convergence experience:




Graphene with vacancy


Increase Fermi Temp from 0.1 to 0.2, use cg

Graphene with vacancy


change nbands from -10 to -20, MixerDif(beta=0.03, nmaxold=5, weight=50.0)

Nitrogenase FeVCo for CO2 reduction


use Davidson solver (faster as well?), although later jvarley said MixerSum

Several surfaces


Broyden mixer with Beta=0.5

GPAW Memory Estimation

The get a guess for the right number of nodes to run on for GPAW, run the
following line interactively:

gpaw-python <yourjob>.py --dry-run=<numberofnodes>
(e.g. gpaw-python --dry-run=16)

Number of nodes should be a multiple of 8. This will run quickly
(because it doesn't do the calculation). Then check that the
following number is <3GB for the 8-core farm, <4GB for the 12-core farm:

Memory estimate
Calculator  574.32 MiB

Building a Private Version of GPAW

Some notes:

Jacapo Parallel NEB Example

You can find a Jacapo parallel NEB example in /afs/slac/g/suncat/example/ Some lines need to change for a restart. An example is in the same directory in

Note that this restart example turns on the "FIRE" and and "climb" parameters: this is for later in the calculation. The documentation here discusses the reasons for that (although perhaps doesn't spell out clearly what the criteria are for turning those on).